By Ben Ajayi
Black History is American History
Every year in the month of February, you’ll see many standing in solidarity as we celebrate Black History Month. But should the championing of values like equality, diversity, and justice be relevant only during February? Unfortunately for most, as quickly as the 28 days in February pass us by. People are as quick to forget the catchy slogans they reposted for their friends to see all month long.
I want to implore everyone to advocate for these ideals 365 days out of the year, not just the 28 when it's most convenient. You may say, “What can I do? I am not in the position of power to make actual change.”
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Never underestimate the power of speaking up. You never know what change you can create. Please join A-MAX as we highlight African Americans that have changed the world through their contributions all month long.
A-MAX will continue to do its part to be the change we want to see.
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